
1978: Pig farming in Malta ceases completely.
1980: Farm constructed on comino to re-supply pigs to commercial producers.
1981: The Pig Breeders Cooperative Society (KIM Ltd) was founded. All the producers joined.
1981: Quota system introduced to ensure sale of all pigs produced.
1983: Pork Marketing Ltd founded to sell pork and ensure prompt payment of producers.
1992: KIM Ltd takes over control of breeding centers at Ghammieri.
1993: Pork Marketing Ltd merges with KIM Ltd.
1993: Comino breeds Large Whites, Durocs and Hampshires.
1994: KIM makes a 10-year contract with 3 members to produce gilts and 1 to produce boars.
1994: Coop imports Duroc and Hampshire boars from the USA.
1994: Coop imports Landrace, Large White, Durocs and Hampshires from Sweden.
1996: Coop imports semen for AI for the first time, from S.G.I in the USA.
2004: Malta joins the EU and importation of foreign pork products begins.
2009: Farm visits and advisory reports by foreign advisor and local veterinarian.
2009: Plans for new Breeding Centre and AI Centre at Ghammieri. Closure of Comino farm.
2009: Planning begins on opening of KIM processing plant.
2009: Importation of Meidam & GP600 gilts as well as Vantage, GP600 and GP750 boars.